Quasi Possession

QUASI POSSESSION and its relation to manorial title names:

Quasi-possession is a type of possession that is not physical. It is also known as incorporeal possession.
A person who has a right to use a property, such as a leaseholder, has quasi-possession of the property.
A person who has a patent or trademark has quasi-possession of the intellectual property.
A person who has 'Quiet Enjoyment' of a manorial title in name, has quasi possession.

Incorporeal Possession:-

Incorporeal Possession means possession which is related to immaterial or intangible things which we cannot touch, see or perceive such as copyright, trademark, right of reputation and goodwill, etc. Actual continuous use and enjoyment are deemed as an essential condition in incorporeal possession. The reason being that in this case, the power of exercising the possession at will is not visible as an objective fact because of its incorporeal nature. In brief, continuous non-use may give rise to the non-existence of the possession of such things.

This means that those who hold an incorporeal manorial or feudal title in name, under the Quasi Possession Laws, are keeping that title alive along with its associated history.

Quasi Possession was created in the 1600s by British Legal Experts. It was a time when people who owned a manor with a dignity (Lord of the Manor) wanted to separate the title from the property. Many manors were in decline. Some owners wanted to sell their manor but keep the title whilst others wanted to sell the title but keep the manor and some wanted to sell both separately. Quasi Possession was created to cover the Incorporeal Hereditament titles when they were separated from the manor. Incorporeal meaning ‘without property’.

Manorial Counsel has got it wrong on their website.  Kevin Norris has no idea what Quai Possession is nor their complicit solicitors. Hattons is just family solicitors. They googled Quasi Possession and came up with it being South African. Idiots. South Africa adopted English Law.

Quasi Possession is English Law created in the 1600's. I have the manuscript of the law.  They need to educate themselves