Dormant Titles

Dormant Manorial Titles

These cannot simply be claimed.

Manorial Counsel, Kevin Norris, simply scours the internet for british-history files and if he sees a manorial title where british-histories last records of that title were one hundred or more years ago, he claims right to the title and advertises it on his website, then makes out that Hattons solicitors have given right to the claim. This is all rubbish and where Manorial Counsels website grossly misleads viewers. Hattons solicitors are complicit in this scam. A dormant title cannot be simply claimed. It CANNOT be claimed at all.

It is the name of the manor that is being claimed and nothing more than that.

Manorial Counsel, Kevin Norris and his wife (directors), together with Hattons solicitors would not be able to prove in a court of law how they legally acquired any title. They do not own any title and never owned any title that they have sold.

Purchasers of titles from this company need to instruct an independent solicitor for their money back. I have every intention of escalating things. This company should not be operating and Hattons solicitors need to be investigated by the law society.

Michael Baxendale and his staff of Newhall Solicitors are experienced in manorial law.

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